A Place to live

Calendar action 2023

kalenderactie acion calendrier

Donate one vacation day to one person.

A Place to live donates holiday days to people who cannot afford a well-deserved family holiday.

Please help us continue to make this possible.

Support a vacation day for one person!
(16€ = one vacation day for one person, tax certificate from 40€)

Families in difficulty and single mothers with children are counting on you to get some fresh air. We are doing everything we can to keep our camps going in 2023 ! This year too, A Place to Live needs you! Purchase vacation days for a person from a disadvantaged family. Donations are tax deductible from 40 euros and up.

You can also support our work by volunteering with our association this summer or later. Interested in volunteering with us? Are you available regularly or occasionally? Write to us at info AT aplacetolive.be

Please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues and friends so we can reach our goal.

Donations are welcome with the mention donation to the account IBAN: BE09 0015 1710 5157 BIC: GEBABEBB of A Place To LIve asbl (company number BE 0470 059 426), Rue Stéphanie 137 1020 Brussels. Please include your name and address.

Donations of €40 and more are tax deductible. The certificate will be sent to your postal address. Please provide your name and address! Thank you.

A Place To Live wishes you beautiful, sunny days of summer!

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